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Web App vs. Mobile App – Key Differences to Know October 12, 2023

web apps

There is a common misunderstanding that mobile apps and web apps are identical, but in reality, they are distinct in several aspects. These distinctions are not only limited to the user experience; they also extend to the way web and mobile apps are developed and deployed. 

It is crucial to understand these differences otherwise, you may end up using the wrong approaches and tools for the job, resulting in apps that are sub-optimal, have higher development costs, perform poorly, and deliver a poor user experience.

Let’s discuss this in detail.

What is a web app?

A web app, short for web application, is a software application accessible through a web browser over the internet. Users can access web apps by entering a URL into their browser, thus eliminating the need for downloading and installing the application. 

Web apps are designed to function seamlessly across various devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, making them versatile and accessible on any platform with a compatible web browser.

Examples – Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, LinkedIn, Netflix.

What is a mobile app?

A mobile app is a software application specifically designed and developed for a particular mobile operating system, such as iOS (Apple) or Android (Google). 

These apps can be downloaded and installed from their respective app stores, like the Apple Store or Google Play Store, and are optimized for the specific hardware and software features of the target platform.

Examples – Facebook, Instagram, Uber.

Differences Between Web Apps and Mobile Apps

AspectWeb AppsMobile Apps
Platform and accessibilityWeb apps are accessed via web browsers, making them platform-agnostic. 
Compatible with various devices (Any device with a modern web browser – Laptops, tablets, etc.)
Mobile apps are platform-specific, requiring separate versions for iOS and Android. 
Limited to specific devices(Android smartphones/tablets/smart TV)
Installation No installation is required; accessible via URL. Installation from app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play). 
UpdatesAutomatic server-side updates.Manual updates are required through app stores.
TechnologiesHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails (ROR), and Node.js are commonly used to develop or build web apps.Mobile apps use platform-specific languages like Java or Swift and dedicated SDKs.
Performance and speedLimited performance and slower speed (as it is affected by factors like the user’s internet connection, the browser being used, and the processing power of the device)Optimized for specific platforms, providing superior speed and responsiveness.
Offline accessLimited offline functionality, depending on caching techniques. Requires an internet connection for full functionality.Few apps allow full offline capabilities, enabling users to access core features without an internet connection. 
User experience and designAdaptable but may lack the finesse of platform-specific mobile apps. The design may vary across browsers and devices.Tailored for specific platforms, offering a consistent and immersive user interface.
Access to device featuresLimited access to hardware features (camera, GPS, push notifications) due to security and privacy restrictions.Full access to device capabilities, allowing integration with the camera, GPS, microphone, and more.
Development costsLower development costs due to code reusability and cross-platform compatibility.Higher development costs as separate versions are required for each platform (iOS, Android). Ongoing maintenance costs can also add up.

Nevertheless, in order to make the best choice, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each platform before using it. This ensures that you choose the platform that best meets your needs and achieves your app development goals.

What are the advantages and limitations of web applications?

✔️ Web apps work on any device with an internet connection, regardless of the operating system.
✔️ They save time and money by centralizing deployment and maintenance.
✔️ Web apps reach a wide audience since they can be used on various devices.
✔️ They offer a consistent user experience across all devices.
✔️ Updates are instantly visible to all users.
✔️ Web apps benefit from centralized security, easy updates, and data backup.
✔️ Scaling web apps for more users is straightforward; you can upgrade the server as needed.
❌ Web apps need the internet to work properly. Without it, they might not function fully or at all.
❌  Sometimes, web apps can have issues with different web browsers, and you might need to clear your cache to see updates.
❌  Web apps may not have access to all device features like sensors or cameras and might not be as fast as regular apps.

When to build a web application?

  • Web applications are the choice when your goal is to reach a broad audience across diverse devices, platforms, and operating systems, ensuring accessibility for all.
  • If you prioritize cost-effectiveness over developing native mobile apps, web applications offer a more budget-friendly alternative.
  • When you require swift deployment and instant accessibility, without the need for users to download and install anything, web apps are the preferred choice.
  • If you desire flexibility in making updates and maintenance changes on the server side, web applications provide the advantage of hassle-free updates.
  • When your main focus is on efficiently delivering content, information, or services to users, web applications excel in ensuring a seamless user experience.

What are the advantages and limitations of mobile apps?

Recent data indicates that the App Store hosts around 1.96 million apps, while the Google Play Market offers a selection of about 3.48 million downloadable apps. In parallel, an average American habitually checks their smartphone approximately 262 times daily, with a noteworthy 88% of their screen time dedicated to utilizing various applications. Given this context, let’s explore the advantages/disadvantages that a mobile app can bring to its users.

✔️ Mobile apps provide touch-friendly, real-time, and offline experiences tailored to phones and tablets.
✔️ They are generally faster and more responsive than web apps, thanks to device optimizations.
✔️ Mobile apps offer multiple ways to make money, like in-app purchases and ads.
✔️ You can use some mobile apps even without an internet connection for certain features.
✔️ Mobile apps keep you updated with push notifications for better communication and reminders.
❌ Mobile apps need approval from app stores during development and updates. They work on specific mobile operating systems and aren’t accessible through web browsers.
❌ To use mobile apps, you have to download and install them from app stores. This takes up storage space and might not work well on older devices or outdated software.

When to build a mobile application?

  • You aim to enhance the user experience by tapping into mobile device capabilities like push notifications, camera usage, GPS access, and intuitive gestures.
  • Your goal is to boost user engagement through personalized interactions, a user-friendly design, and timely notifications, ultimately leading to higher user satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Providing offline functionality is essential, allowing users to access specific features and content even when they are offline, ensuring uninterrupted usage and convenience.
  • You want to generate revenue quickly by exploring monetization options such as in-app purchases, subscription models, and targeted advertisements, utilizing the payment gateways offered by app stores.

Building mobile applications requires expertise — so, you can hire a dedicated mobile app developer (via a third-party or in-house)— with appropriate experience to ensure a successful outcome.

Still undecided? Explore these alternate options

If you are still confused between both options or need a balance between them, consider exploring two alternative development approaches:

Progressive web apps

PWAs offer a balance between web apps and mobile apps. They are web applications with additional features that enhance the user experience, such as offline access, push notifications, and the ability to add them to the device’s home screen. PWAs leverage modern web technologies to provide a more app-like experience while remaining accessible through web browsers.

For example — Pinterest

Cross-platform app development

This approach allows you to build applications that can run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. Popular frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin enable developers to create apps that provide a native-like experience while minimizing the need for platform-specific development.

Cross-platform app development strikes a balance between cost-effectiveness and platform optimization. It allows you to reach a broader audience without sacrificing performance or user experience. This option is particularly suitable when you want to maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android, reducing development and maintenance costs.

For example — Instagram

Your final step- Choose the perfect app

The choice between web and mobile apps ultimately depends on your project’s unique goals and requirements. Whatever you choose, remember the success of your app depends not just on its platform but also on the value it brings to users. Hence, strive for excellence, and your app will stand out in the digital landscape. 

If you need further assistance in deciding between the two development options, seek app development companies or request a consultation from experienced app developers to get the right advice that aligns with your needs.

Author Bio: Amelia Swank is a senior web and app developer with over 8 years of experience. Currently with SunTec India, she specializes in the domain of digital solutions, specifically Web app development, WordPress development, Shopify development, Magento development. Her passion for technology fuels her writing, aimed at spreading insights to all. Amelia closely follows the latest IT advances to share her expertise with those interested in the field.

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